How BLACKPINK Went From Strangers to Sisters to Pop Supernovas
They’re the world’s biggest girl group, turning out banger after banger. But before they could get there, Jennie, Jisoo, Lisa, and Rosé had to become a family. In an otherwise ordinary Seoul neighborhood, the headquarters of YG Entertainment rise like a giant spaceship above the Han River. YG is one of South Korea’s largest entertainment […]
BLACKPINK for Rolling Stone June 2022
Covers More Photos Other Photos by Peter Ashlee BLACKPINK Covers Rolling Stone Magazine JISOO JENNIE ROSÉ LISA
Rolling Stone Teases Collaboration With BLACKPINK
Video #BLACKPINKxRollingStone. Coming soon. #블랙핑크 — Rolling Stone (@RollingStone) May 21, 2022
ELLE Korea Interview With ROSÉ (June 2022)
It’s already late at night. What kind of days are you spending these days? Are you sleeping well? I sleep really well. I wake up much more earlier than before. I guess it’s because I’m living a full life every day. When you get back home from a busy day, you feel, “Wow, I’m finally […]
ROSÉ for ELLE Korea June 2022
Covers Video View this post on Instagram A post shared by ELLE KOREA 엘르 코리아 (@ellekorea) ELLE 30 Years #ELLEstar #로제 #ROSÉ @BLACKPINK"<엘르> 30주년, 그 여섯 번째 이슈"???? 로제가 <엘르> 코리아의 30주년을 축하합니다. 6월호 커버 스타로 등장한 로제의 인터뷰와 화보, 그리고 유튜브 필