Harper’s Bazaar Interview With ROSÉ (May 2022)
Age. The age that you dreamed of the most.
Coincidentally, 25, I think right now is the age I dreamed of the most. When I was young, my dad told me to take an audition when I played the piano, learned guitar, and started singing at home. I asked him, “Will I get in?” and he said, “When you think about that and give up, you’ll regret that you haven’t done what you truly wanted to do.” I think the image of an adult that I dreamed of as a teenager is my age.
Bag. A bag you wear often and some must-carry items in your bag.
I always carry a small Saint Laurent bag. I sometimes carry this small bag in a big bag. It’s actually a bag, but I use it as a pouch. (laughs) I carry lip product, cushion compact, wallet, lip balm, allergy medicine, and artificial tears in my bag.
Comfort. When you feel comfortable?
I think I definitely feel comfortable when I’m with my members. I feel that even more these days. As more time passes, they feel more like family.
Dinner. A person you want to have dinner with.
It’s too hard to pick… I want to eat with Michael Jackson. (laughs) I think he would have been a great person. I think I’ll like him more after I have dinner with him. I’ve heard before that people who met Michael Jackson all say they got to like him even more after meeting him in person.
Emoji The emoji that you use the most & your favorite emoji.
A red heart, and an emoji that’s like, ‘Huh? What’s this?’ It’s an emoji which looks a little bit pitiful, embarrassed, and confused. (laughs)
Film. All-time favorite film.
I recently watched “Eternal Sunshine” several times because it was so much fun. People around me kept telling me to watch it, but I didn’t because there’s a rascal side in me. I finally watched it when I was bored and it was so much fun that I watched it 3-4 times. Every time I watch it, I could find something new and different.
Goosebumps. Your favorite things that gives you goosebumps.
I haven’t had a chance to meet my fans through the stage these days, and thinking about it, I think it was the best time. Meeting fans on stage.
HBD. Memorable birthday.
I was born in New Zealand and moved to Australia when I was eight. Before I moved to Australia, heard that Australian mangoes are delicious and very cheap, so I could even buy them in boxes and eat loads of them. So I thought of Australia as the country of mangoes. And on my first birthday in Australia, my mom bought me a mango-covered cake, which was so shocking. It was a cake covered with expensive mangoes, and it was completely wrapped in mangoes so that you couldn’t even see the cream. I was so happy that I still remember that time. (laughs)
Icon. Rosé defines ‘iconic’ as?
I think it comes from someone’s style. When someone has their own style and can express it in a cool way, I think it can be anyone. I think everyone has their own iconic points.
Joke. Do you laugh at jokes often?
People around me always say, “Chaeyoung, you don’t have to laugh if it’s not funny.” I laugh easily when someone tells a joke.
Kindness. The power of kindness.
I always want to be kind to everyone because we all have feelings, and I don’t know what kind of day someone had. Kindness is a good thing that you can do as a human being, right?
Lyric. A line from your favorite lyrics.
Briston Maroney’s “Freakin’ Out on the Interstate”. “Fear is just a part of love / And one thing I found / Is love is what you deserve.” It’s a song that I heard at some random place. I really liked it, so I saved it right away. I think the lyrics are really pretty. And I really really really like the guitar solo that comes out after this part.
Mom. Mother being.
Sometimes I get annoyed by my mom’s nagging, but as time goes by, she seems to be my best friend. My mom is such a strong and wonderful friend!
Nature. When you feel nature?
I often look at the sky. I like the time when I’m in the car looking at the sky and blanking out without thinking.
Origin. Fundamental thing that makes up Rosé.
It’s music. Because it’s the closest way to express my heart.
Performance. When you go on stage.
Being on stage is so much fun. There were times when I enjoyed it and times when I enjoyed it less, but in the end I think that’s where I belong. It’s a little hard to move from place to place when we’re on tour, but I get totally fine as soon as I go on stage. It feels like time has stopped.
Question mark. Recent curiosity.
‘How are other people living? What kind of process and what kind of thoughts are they having? What are they thinking at certain points in their lives?’ Also when I meet people of different ages, I often think ‘Would I be thinking that way by that age?’
ROSÉ. Rosé defined by Rosé.
It’s too hard to answer. Hmmm… The one who tries to live a good life every day? I’m an ordinary person who has the will to live a good life. (laughs)
Sunday. Sunday routine.
I don’t have a routine according to the day of the week. When I rest, I really like to space out and do nothing. I wake up when I feel like it, order food when I get hungry, and if I want to meet my friend, I suddenly contact them and meet them. (laughs)
Travel. Favorite travel destination.
Every time I went to Hawaii, it was always fun. I actually haven’t traveled a lot, so I’m going to visit many places to find my favorite. I do want to go to Greece. It’s famous as a travel destination. I think the white buildings will be so beautiful.
Uniqueness. The most unique thing these days.
The movie I watched recently was so unique that I don’t know if I should say it. (laughs) | happened to see a movie called “The Bad Batch” without knowing the plot or any information. Its cinematography and mise-en-scene were really creative, unique, and beautiful.
Voice. Rosé’s voice.
I think people’s individualities and personalities are revealed in their voices. I think my voice is something that expresses me well, which is not that special. (laughs)
Wave. The moment you get emotional wave.
I used to like nights. I’ve always been emotional at night, but I love the daytime these days. Warm day. I have more thoughts during the day when the sunlight is warm. Something has changed. I just get sleepy at night these days. (laughs)
XOXO. A message of love to those who read this interview.
I love you everyone~! (laughs)
Yves Saint Laurent.
I’ve done a lot of things with Saint Laurent, and it’s always new and fun!
Zzz. Bedtime routine.
I always watch something. I tend to have a lot of thoughts, so when I don’t turn on something, really can’t help myself but to think endlessly. Then I can’t sleep, so I turn on something. When I listen to music, I start to focus on music. (laughs) I fall asleep while watching a light Netflix series or movie.
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